Blog Archives

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Nintendo EAD (2003) Gamecube

Wind Waker has always been a strange one for me. I can remember the faux outrage over the cartooney graphics, and I can remember getting bored of the game around the plot twist. So originally (in two attempts), I never

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Posted in Gamecube

Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. Nintendo (1987) NES

Zelda 2 divides opinion. It even divides my opinion. I am still struggling to decide if I like it or not. However, one thing is for certain. Zelda 2 is probably the most underrated Zelda game. So here goes.

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Posted in Nintendo Entertainment System

The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo (1986) NES

Zelda, the useless bint is on screen for less than 5 seconds, yet it is all about her. Feminism gone mad! Bloody bra burners! Meanwhile poor Link, doesn’t even get a mention in his first starring game…

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Posted in Nintendo Entertainment System