Blog Archives

Total War: Warhammer 2. Creative Assembly (2018) PC

It’s been a while hasn’t it? But sometimes life comes and kicks you in the knackers and you just need to take a break from everything to try to regain the passion back for something you love. Something that can

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Posted in PC

Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Tomb Kings vs High Elves

In my second venture into the land of Khemri and the Tomb Kings I went over to Stockport to try out Element Games to play somebody also testing his list for the Tournament I am going to in Sunderland. So

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Posted in Warhammer Fantasy Battles

Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Tomb Kings vs Dwarves

In preparation for a Warhammer Tournament I have been beavering away making sure that my “new” Tomb King army is painted and ready. Part of being ready requires me to test my army to see what it is good at,

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Posted in Warhammer Fantasy Battles