Blog Archives

NHL ’94. EA Canada (1993) Sega Genesis

So… THIS was my favourite game growing up. Not Road Rash, not Aladdin, not Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros 3.  You will probably ask why and that would indeed be a pertinent question. You see, the answer is

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Posted in Sega Genesis

PGA Tour Golf. EA Sports (1991) Sega Genesis

It is that time where once every 2 years the Americans and Europeans care about golf (apart from those blokes named Trevor (HI TREVOR!))… So what better why to captilise on a sport I know fuck all about except what

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Posted in Sega Genesis

Genres I just don’t “get”!

Sorry for the clickbait-ey title but I couldn’t think of anything witty for a title. Is there a genre out there that you just can’t get into?

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Posted in Opinion