Blog Archives

Mutant Football League. Digital Dreams Entertainment (2018) PlayStation 4

Cards on the table, I helped Kickstart this game. I paid a not inconsiderable amount to have myself put in the game, that due to me actually forgetting about kickstarting, my player was named after my former band (Black Moon

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Posted in Playstation 4

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. From Software (2019) PlayStation 4

I’ve played Sekiro for about 2 months now and after several false starts, a few rage quits and more than my fair share of childish meltdowns I finally beat the game on the easy ending and despite this, am slightly

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Posted in Playstation 4

Bloodborne. From Software (2015) PlayStation 4

Bloodborne feels like a game that From Software really wanted to make. It feels almost the antithesis of Dark Souls 2, which to me felt like a semi-rushed contractual obligation rather than a labour of love. Bloodborne is a game

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Posted in Playstation 4

Fallout 4. Bathesda (2015) PlayStation 4

War, War never changes except when you’re 5 games deep into a series then war does start to change and, bizarrely, Karma no longer seems to matter.

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Posted in Playstation 4

Dark Souls III. From Software (2016) PlayStation 4

If you want to catch up on my views on Dark Souls and Dark Souls II you can do, but to quickly summise; Dark Souls “Brilliant” and Dark Souls II “Meh”.  Caught up? Good, now let’s get to headbutting those

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Posted in Playstation 4

Rogue Legacy. Cellar Door Games (2014) PlayStation 4

I was harangued into buying a PS4 by Craig, and rather than playing something “new” I decided to play a retro inspired indie game because I am a curmudgeon-ey bastard who hates himself almost ad much as I hate others.

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Posted in Playstation 4