Blog Archives

Aladdin. Capcom (1994) Super Nintendo

The only real fight in the Great 16bit Console War me and my mates had was between Aladdin on the Megadrive and Aladdin on the SNES. So forget your Crash Bandicoot vs Super Mario 64 as that wasn’t a contest. Forget

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Posted in Super Nintendo

Donkey Kong Country 2 : Diddy’s Kong Quest. Rareware (1995) Super Nintendo

The absolute titanium balls on Rare, eh? Given creative control of one of Nintendo’s most beloved mascots in Donkey Kong, Rare proceeded to take the proverbial mile, creating it’s own lore and characters for the first game. A smash hit,

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Posted in Super Nintendo

Double Dragon 2: The Revenge. Technōs Japan. (1988) Nintendo.

I was surprised about this one, as a kid it was a frustrating ballache, with many a tantrums thrown at its behest. I couldn’t remember if it was a good game though. Just because I sucked at it as a

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Posted in Nintendo Entertainment System