Blog Archives

Zombies Ate My Neighbors. LucasArts/Konami (1993) Super Nintendo

Known as ZombiesĀ in PAL region due to the collective European governments being massive pussies and coming to the logical conclusion that “ate my neighbours” was too violent for a satirical videogame. Looking at the date of the first draft I

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Posted in Super Nintendo

Day of the Tentacle, PC, (1993/2016), Lucas Arts/Double Fine

We went and bothered Scott over at Metabera, and somehow convinced him to join in the Games Revisited revolution! So be friendly, say hello, like his post and check out his Twirch streams! He is much wittier than I am.

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Posted in PC

The Secret of Monkey Island. LucasArts (1990) PC

I’ll cover the Special Edition of Secret of Monkey Island, AND the Original in this review as they are the same game; except the remake has better graphics, better music, better sound FX, and better voice acting. On top of

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Posted in PC

Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II. Lucas Arts (2002) Gamecube

Also known asĀ Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. How many times do you have to pick up a game, play, give up, re-pick it up and put it down again before you are finally allowed to admit you just

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Posted in Gamecube

Grim Fandango, PC/PS4, 1998/2015, LucasArts/Double Fine

Disclaimer : this will scarcely qualify as a review. This is an ode. A love letter. If I had a lute, it would be a ballad. I love Grim Fandango. It’s been my favourite game since I first played it

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Posted in PC, Playstation 4