Blog Archives

Conspiracy Corner: Cloud is Sephiroth, and Sephiroth is Cloud!

I wasn’t going to release this post because there is one flaw in it, but it is a fun theory so stick with me. It is also important to note that I don’t speak Japanese so this is all based

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Posted in Conspiracy Corner

Final Fantasy VII. Squaresoft (1997) PlayStation

Yo, everyone i’m doing it. I am actually doing it!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! I honest to god love this game,and Final Fantasy VII was my favourite game until I played Final Fantasy VI and Silent Hill 2. However,

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Posted in Playstation

Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix (2006) Playstation 2

So, we all loved Final Fantasy VII right? And we all loved Advent Children yup? So, what could be better than a follow up game based on both? Enter, Dirge Of Cerberus…

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Posted in Playstation 2