Blog Archives

Games Revisited All Time Top 50 Retro Games

Doesn’t the time fly! We started this wonderful webpage a whole 4 years ago and in that time we have played and reviewed over 300 games. Some great and some not so great. Some downright abysmal. BUT, for this list

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Games Revisited’s Top 50 Retro Games!

Three years ago to the day Games Revisited was born, and to celebrate we have put our heads together again to come up with a TOP 50 games list. With a new list, we have updated the rules a little. There

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Posted in Lists, Stuff

Top 50 Games 2016

To celebrate our upcoming 2 year anniversary, we have put our heads together and come up with a TOP 50 games list of games we have featured since launch. 2018 List 2017 List Don’t be offended if your favourite game doesn’t

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Posted in Lists, Opinion