Blog Archives

Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Team (1991) Sega Genesis

Everyone loves Sonic right? Well, you might have noticed a trend on this site that suggests we aren’t the biggest fans of the entire series. But the first one? That was a masterpiece! Right?

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Posted in Sega Genesis

Gain Ground. Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

This game is hard to describe, not in a Toejam and Earl kinda way, just that it is odd and I like it despite not being able to come up with a tangible reason for liking it.

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Posted in Sega Genesis

Golden Axe Warrior. Sega (1991) Sega Master System

I’ll be honest, I thought I was going to absolutely hate this game. I don’t especially like the Golden Axe series, and lets be honest, this game looks like a Legend of Zelda clone. So let me take you on

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Posted in Sega Master System

Streets of Rage. Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

I loved Streets of Rage (Bare Knuckle in Japan) as a kid, it might be the game I played most on my Megadrive. Road Rash and Aladdin come close, but I think the amount of time me and mates put in to

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Posted in Sega Genesis

Fatal Labyrinth. Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

Originally an exclusive release on the “super popular” Meganet subscription service in 1990 it took one whole year before Sega decided that was a stupid idea, and released a PAL and US version.

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Posted in Sega Genesis

The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space Mutants, Acclaim (1991) Nintendo

The one thing I did growing up more than play videogames was watch the Simpsons. So when I finally convinced my parents to buy me Bart vs the Space Mutants, I was the proverbial pig in shit. Sadly, over time

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Posted in Nintendo Entertainment System

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Nintendo (1991) Super Nintendo

Link to the Past (LttP) drops the side scrolling action of Zelda 2, and returns to the traditional 3/4 top down view found in Zelda 1.

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Posted in Super Nintendo

Toejam and Earl. Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

I am not sure how to start this… Except, Toejam and Earl is random, wacky, and a little surreal. Typically, when somebody decribes ANYTHING like that, I automatically hate it, not Toejam and Earl though.

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Posted in Sega Genesis

MERCS. Capcom/Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

It is strange going back and playing older games. I forget you didn’t have an expectation to complete them. Which brings us to MERCS, MERCS is a sod. 

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Posted in Sega Genesis

Alien Storm. Sega (1991) Sega Genesis

Have you ever played Golden Axe, and thought… “This is pretty poop, what we need is Aliens and guns”? Well, in case you were wondering, this is what Alien Storm is. Golden Axe, with Aliens, and Guns. Is this a

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Posted in Sega Genesis