Blog Archives

StarFox 64, Nintendo EAD (1997) Nintendo 64.

Corneria, fourth planet of the Lylat system. The evil Andross turned this once thriving system into a wasteland of near extinction…

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Posted in Nintendo 64

The World Is Not Enough, Eurocom (2000), Nintendo 64

Goldeneye is without doubt one of the finest FPS/stealth shooter games ever made. This is technically its follow up (ignoring other consoles) for the N64. Welcome to The World Is Not Enough….

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Posted in Nintendo 64

Final Fantasy VIII, Squaresoft (1999) PlayStation

We have played our fair share of Final Fantasy games this year, 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9. So when we started 8 we assumed, it has to be better than 1 and 2 right? Hell, it must be one

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Posted in Playstation

Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix (2006) Playstation 2

So, we all loved Final Fantasy VII right? And we all loved Advent Children yup? So, what could be better than a follow up game based on both? Enter, Dirge Of Cerberus…

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Posted in Playstation 2

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Midway (2005) PlayStation 2

I have a history with Mortal Kombat, I used to think it was the greatest thing ever, but after replaying 1, 2, 3, and bits of Sub Zero: Mythologies, it became clear to me that Mortal Kombat wasn’t just a

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Posted in Playstation 2